ARM Server Reference

SAMA Aluminium,
Monitoring & Sensor

XSLAB supplied ARM servers for data processing and process management solutions to Sama Aluminum, a company specialised in aluminum anode foil.

Through contract with Sama, we delivered domestically produced ARM server equipment, developed sensor data extraction and management software within the factory, and established a private cloud based on OpenStack for linking data from overseas factories in the future.

Sama Aluminum is a domestic anode foil production company established in 1969. It received investment from LG Energy Solutions and Toyota at the end of last year and is continuing its upward trend as a beneficiary of secondary batteries.

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To Boldly Go.

Below servers were installed.

V-Raptor SQ

Blade ARM Server

V-Raptor SQ mini

Edge ARM Server

V-Raptor LX

Storage ARM Server

Create Better World
by using ARM Servers.

XSLAB's ARM server is a low-power, low-heat server that helps
companies build environmental, social, and corporate governance.