const scrollFrames = { defaults: { style: { backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundSize: 'contain', backgroundPosition: 'center' } }, // Intersection // @el - object - The DOM object to detect // Returns float between 0 and 1 // value == 0 means the element is not visible yet // value between 0 and 1 means the element is currently visible into the viewport // 0 means the element starts into the viewport // 1 means the element has just finished to run through the viewport // value == 1 means the element has past the viewport is not visible anymore getIntersection: function(el) { let response = -1; if (typeof el == 'object') { const detector_id = el.dataset.detector; if (detector_id !== undefined) { const el_detector = document.getElementById(detector_id); if (el_detector !== null) { el = el_detector; } } if (typeof el.getBoundingClientRect == 'function') { const box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const el_offset_top = + window.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.clientTop; const el_height = el.clientHeight; const window_scroll_top = (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop; const window_height = window.document.documentElement.clientHeight; response = (window_scroll_top + window_height - el_offset_top) / (window_height + el_height); } } // Limits between 0 and 1 if (response > 1) { response = 1; } if (response < 0) { response = 0; } return response; }, anims: {}, // Set up the animations update: function() { // Scan for instances let elems_anims = document.querySelectorAll('[scroll-frames]'); if (elems_anims !== null) { elems_anims.forEach(function(el_anim) { // Get the anim ID const anim_id = el_anim.getAttribute('scroll-frames'); // Get the URL mask const anim_url_mask = el_anim.dataset.urlMask; // Get the JSON URL const anim_json_url = el_anim.dataset.json; // Get the anim keyframes let anim_keyframes = el_anim.dataset.keyframes; // Set default keyframes if unset if (anim_keyframes === undefined) { anim_keyframes = '0:0 to 100:100'; } // Check id validity if (anim_id.length > 0 && anim_id !== undefined) { // Init instance before fetch scrollFrames.anims[anim_id] = { ready: false, transfer: false, backgroundImage: '', backgroundSizes: [] } // Mask if (anim_url_mask !== undefined && anim_json_url === undefined) { const anim_mask_array = anim_url_mask.split('|'); if (anim_mask_array.length == 3) { const anim_mask_interval = anim_mask_array[1].split(' to '); const anim_mask_i_start = parseInt(anim_mask_interval[0]); const anim_mask_i_end = parseInt(anim_mask_interval[1]); let json_from_mask = []; // console.log(anim_mask_i_start,anim_mask_i_end); for (let frame_index = anim_mask_i_start; frame_index <= anim_mask_i_end; frame_index++) { json_from_mask.push({ url: anim_mask_array[0] + frame_index + anim_mask_array[2] }); } // console.log(json_from_mask), el_anim, anim_id, anim_keyframes); } } // Test if valid JSON URL if (anim_json_url !== undefined && anim_url_mask === undefined) { if (anim_json_url.indexOf('.json') == anim_json_url.length - 5) { // Let's fetch fetch(anim_json_url).then(function(response) { const contentType = response.headers.get("content-type"); if(contentType && contentType.indexOf("application/json") !== -1) { return response.json().then(function(json) {, el_anim, anim_id, anim_keyframes); }); } else { console.log(anim_json_url+" is not a valid JSON URL!"); } }); } } } }); } }, build: function(json, el_anim, anim_id, anim_keyframes) { // Background image string and background size object let backgroundImage = ''; let backgroundSizes = []; // console.log(json); json.forEach(function(data, index) { backgroundImage += 'url('+data.url+')'; if (index < json.length - 1) { backgroundImage += ','; } let backgroundSize = ''; // Set background size value from this element or use default let backgroundSizeProperty =; if (el_anim.dataset.backgroundSize !== undefined) { backgroundSizeProperty = el_anim.dataset.backgroundSize; } json.forEach(function(bsData, bsIndex) { if (bsIndex == index) { backgroundSize += backgroundSizeProperty; } else { backgroundSize += '0%'; } if (bsIndex < json.length - 1) { backgroundSize += ','; } }); backgroundSizes.push(backgroundSize); }); // Write the CSS multiple background-image property for this anim scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['backgroundImage'] = backgroundImage; // Write the CSS multiple background-size property for this anim scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['backgroundSizes'] = backgroundSizes; // Build the transfer function from keyframes scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['transfer'] = function(scroll_line) { let response = 0; if (typeof scroll_line == 'number') { // Keypoints if (anim_keyframes.indexOf(':') > 0) { // example: 0:0 to 70:0 to 100:100 // console.log(anim_id); const fromToArray = anim_keyframes.split(' to '); let xa = 0; let ya = fromToArray[0].split(':')[1]; let xb = 1; let yb = 1; // console.log(fromToArray); fromToArray.forEach(function(keypoint, keyPointIndex) { // If not last if (keyPointIndex < fromToArray.length - 1) { const positionCurrent = parseFloat(keypoint.split(':')[0]) / 100; const positionNext = parseFloat(fromToArray[keyPointIndex + 1].split(':')[0]) / 100; if (scroll_line >= positionCurrent && scroll_line <= positionNext) { // console.log(positionCurrent, scroll_line, positionNext); xa = positionCurrent; ya = parseFloat(keypoint.split(':')[1]); xb = positionNext; yb = parseFloat(fromToArray[keyPointIndex + 1].split(':')[1]); } } }); const coef = (yb - ya) / (xb - xa); const y0 = yb - coef * xb; response = (coef * scroll_line + y0) / 100; // console.log(anim_id, response); // console.log('scroll_line:'+scroll_line, 'yb:'+yb, 'ya:'+ya, 'xb:'+xb, 'xa:'+xa, 'response:'+response); } } return response; } // Write it is OK ready to be used scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['ready'] = true; // Write the DOM element scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el'] = document.querySelector('[scroll-frames="'+anim_id+'"]'); // If optional detector is set if (scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el'] !== null) { const optional_detector_id = scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el'].dataset.detector; if (optional_detector_id !== undefined) { const el_detector = document.getElementById(optional_detector_id); if (el_detector !== null) { scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el_detector'] = el_detector; } } } // Apply the background-image property on element = scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['backgroundImage']; // Apply other style properties Object.keys( { // If CSS property is set through dataset on el_anim, use it if (el_anim.dataset[property] !== undefined) {[property] = el_anim.dataset[property]; } // Otherwise use default else {[property] =[property]; } }); // Start scrollFrames.frame(); // Apply listener window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollFrames.raf); }, raf: function() { window.requestAnimationFrame(scrollFrames.frame); }, frame: function() { // Scan all anims ids Object.keys(scrollFrames.anims).forEach(function(anim_id, anim_index) { // If current anim is ready if (scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['ready'] && scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el'] !== null) { let current_scroll_line = 0; if (scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el_detector'] !== null && scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el_detector'] !== undefined) { current_scroll_line = scrollFrames.getIntersection(scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el_detector']); } else { current_scroll_line = scrollFrames.getIntersection(scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el']); } const frameIndex = scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['transfer'](current_scroll_line); const index = Math.round(frameIndex * (scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['backgroundSizes'].length - 1)); // console.log(anim_id, current_scroll_line, frameIndex); // Apply proper background-size property scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['el']['style']['background-size'] = scrollFrames['anims'][anim_id]['backgroundSizes'][index]; } }); } } scrollFrames.update();